Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Einstein over here..

So, roughly 1 week ago I realized I have an underground pimple on my chin. It ends up growing to the size of a quarter and is painful. (I know, this is fascinating stuff)

I get the bright idea on how to make it better which is to go tanning for $5 Tuesdays. Well, this of course means that the tanning place is filled with orange faced, fake boobed girls and the wait for a normal bed is 20 minutes. Oh hell no. So I let the 16 year old, leather faced, tanning associate convince me to go into a stand up bed. She does not tell me that those bulbs are waaaaaaaaaay stronger then a lay down bed. (I have been sort of semi against tanning beds, I slather my face in sunscreen all summer. I am a total hypocrite.)You know the outcome....

The zit is smaller today but I have added about 5 extra years to my face from the 2nd degree burn I am sporting.

Reason 100,503,678 women do crazy shit when they have a wedding 1 month away.

1 comment:

a supreme blog said...

Are you aware that you are behind in posting!? ITS THE 14TH... YOUR LAST POST WAS DAYS AGO.... Come on wedding enthusiast. Keep me entertained while I watch from afar.